Weather cancellations will be reported on the Gastropub Volleyball Facebook page
Here are a few things to note
(1) Sign up for 7pm on a particular day-- play at 7pm on that day. No changes
(2) Cost for sessions 1 and 2 vary by day and time slot.
(3) Winning team from each group of 6 teams get Gastropub Gift Cards
(4) When your session is cancelled by us for any reason, please enjoy a $40 tab for your team inside the Gastropub
(5) It is each team's responsibility to report scores. Any unreported scores will be considered forfeits after 24 hours.
The Gastropub Backyard features three spacious lighted sand volleyball courts, an outdoor bar, a large composite-decking patio for outdoor dining from the full Gastropub menu, a picnic shelter, an area for bean-bag toss, a rinse station, and outdoor restrooms.
Our coed leagues at the recreational (REC) level are suitable for new players and those just out to have some outdoor fun. Our coed leagues at the intermediate (INT) level are appropriate for those accustomed to passing, setting, and who may want to spike on occasion.
Your team roster consists of six or more players. Six players, at least three of whom must be female, play at a time. While you may play more than one night, you may sign up for only one time slot per night.
Each match consists of three games to 25 points with rally scoring win by 2 with game ending at 29. Your team will sign up for a particular time and a particular night., like Tuesday 6pm, and you will always play on that day at that time.
Each session will have 1 complete round robin. There will be no make up matches as we offer you $40 tab inside Gastropub on the night of your rain out or any cancellation on our behalf.(Tab only good same day as your scheduled match)
Ties at the end of a session will be determined by best overall point differential.